
Before starting this topic, I was searching for naming  this article but could only settle on this word  पराकाष्ठा.......!!!
           I could not find any other beautiful word than this. For the very topic what I am trying to write. it fits me and may be for the very human society around this globe.पराकाष्ठा word have many synonyms Summit, peak , apogee, acme, culminating point, extremity so on....पराकाष्ठा  is an idiom and noun a verb as well. Just like this word the topic as well.

         Well article is not about the Sanskrit or the English literature but the very core for the urge of life in its essence; so termed as GOD...!!!
Enough of this cave man theories and game of words generator and creator and destroyer. My  पराकाष्ठा is to understand the human mind around it and its brew. For whole of human society god has came in many forms. Like him, her, running creeping, jumping, orbiting, swimming so and so on this is not enough their it is.... form less as well...!!!!
          Here it is… The mind game begins... but why do the game and gimmick should...limits of human, & his own existential level well not the potential..
          Oh wait this is not enough being formless it again needs have a mathematical back and the god is one. And so the one formless and single, and now its monotheism and many gods many forms that's polytheism. Ooh game continues..... with all deceptive, barbaric, vicious, havoc an innocent mind meddling and dwindling to the belief systems forced, borrowed and carried blindly and fighting to Prove  RIGHT and WRONG and absolutely nothing but an illusion but a illusion not thy god.
             Lets hold on to single god for the sake of convince and focus on middle east over few centuries back and its brew and its impact over the world around force, fight submission .. and so on..
When it comes to India this all flavors brewed  back in desert fits in with other. A Hindu mind accepts and finds the master in all forms.
            For the minimalist single god religions tries to tamper a Hindu mind with its limited perception. Yes its limited perception in a way of mathematics. oh then what's mathematics in way ?
Mathematics is the study of topics such as quantity, structure, space  oh no... even the creator fits in it as well. My goodness its  पराकाष्ठा.....!!!! isn't it
            But Hindu mind how it deals....

  its "ekam evadvityam " he is one only  & no second  and in math when there is a one in unit there should be the second so to be precise its one only not the second for  to bring clarity and ease logical bent of mind. the maha vakya is from  Chandogya Upanishad 6:2:1 . Which dates back all contemporary calendars from its inception and existence?

----------------------------------------------------To be Continued.....


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